Services we offer
Where genuine care is shown by committed professionals…
The Health Continuum’s psychologists understand that the most essential feature of any client’s experience is one where they feel completely understood. Equally, its important that this understanding takes place within a trusting and welcoming space.
When you visit our practice to access any one of our specialised therapeutic services you can be confident that you will experience
Privacy and confidentiality within an aesthetically pleasing environment
A warm, relaxed and informal atmosphere and
Sensitive, Respectful and non-judgmental therapists

Individual Therapy
A safe, supportive and private journey.
The psychologists at The Health Continuum have extensive training in the delivery of individual therapy, and many years of experience delivering supportive and effective therapy. They provide a respectful, compassionate, and collaborative space where clients can feel safe to explore their issues.
Clients seek individual therapy for a variety of reasons, and each with their own unique goals. Some attend because they have a specific situation or transitional experience that’s causing some difficulties, and they wish to better understand the issue and explore options to resolve it. Others present to therapy as a result of more long standing mental health issues that they want to address, and then there are others who present to therapy with the goal of self-development.
During the process of individual therapy, the client and therapist work as a team to clarify the issues, identify symptoms, and explore contributing factors. At the pace set by the client, issues are discussed and explored. This allows for meaning-making, new understandings, and the cultivation of alternative or adjusted interpretations. Specific coping strategies and skills are discussed, and where relevant, action plans are collaboratively developed to assist the client to manage or resolve symptoms in helpful ways. Assessment of treatment progress and effectiveness is conducted periodically to ensure that therapy is meeting the clients needs and addressing their therapeutic goals.
The psychologists at The Health Continuum ensure that the journey feels safe and comfortable, and above all, is meaningful and effective for you.
Individual therapy is known to assist people to overcome mental health concerns such as;
- Depression and anxiety
- Addiction issues
- Obsessions or compulsions
- Identity and personality difficulties
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Trauma symptoms and issues
Attending individual therapy is also helpful when going through major life events or transitions;
- Retirement
- Relationship break-down or struggles
- Grief and loss issues
- Stress
- work-related injury

Couples & Relationship Therapy
Impartial, practical and objective support.
Relationships are an essential ingredient for good mental and emotional health. They can give us a sense of purpose and offer support, and when functioning well, they can improve our sense of contentment and overall wellbeing. So when they are not functioning well, relationships can cause us difficulties and distress, which may require you both to engage a trained, sensitive, and objective therapist to provide guidance and intervention.
People seek support with relationships for a variety of reasons depending on who the relationship is with. It may be a parent, sibling, or even a best friend. However, often the most distressing issues are between intimate partners.
The typical forms of support people seek relationship therapy for is assistance to improve unhelpful communication styles. This often involves increasing capacities to listen more, and speak less. Others seek support to create or re-balance uneven levels of influence in the relationship. And there are others who wish to work towards increasing levels of verbal or physical intimacy. Sometimes relationships can hit a gridlock and need assistance to find ways to create forgiveness, and rebuild trust and connectedness. Others may attend relationship therapy when they need assistance to seperate smoothly and as amicably as possible, as to ensure the wellbeing of all concerned.

Professional Supervision
Steps for professional development & enhancing your evidence-based practice.
Clinical supervision must take place in a trusting relationship that provides a safe space for the supervisee to be self-reflective, develop their clinical skills and practise, and explore their professional role. The psychologists at The Health Continuum are AHPRA- Board approved supervisors for trainee psychologists, and are qualified to provide supervision to those seeking Counselling Psychology or Clinical Psychology Endorsement. They also provide supervision to other health professionals such as mental health nurses, social workers, and counsellors.

Psycho-educational Sessions
Tailored for your organisations learning needs.
The psychologists at The Health Continuum have a wealth of experience in the provision of training and educative presentations to the general public and health professionals. They can tailor a presentation for your audience or organisations needs on a range of psychological and mental health and wellbeing topics, such as; Mindfulness, effective communication, anxiety and stress management, emotional hygiene in the health profession, the neurobiology of emotions and accumulative trauma (to name a few).
Services are offered remotely via telehealth or on site in Wheelers Hill
Meet our Psychologists
Get to know Susan & Manal